carbide cold heading dies/carbide punch dies
customized non standard die
YG15 YG20 YG25 Sintered mold tungsten carbide cold heading dies
Tungsten carbide cold heading die for automotive fasteners
Tungsten carbide die is used for forming, heading, forging, punching, and extrusion of standard parts,bearing
screws, and nuts with high impact resistance, toughness, and wear resistance.
We are a skilled manufacturer in China producing the most commendable carbide punch dies,
carbide heading dies, carbide forming dies, etc. Our tungsten carbide die has high precision, durability,
short delivery time, and affordable price.
100% raw material to produce tungsten carbide products.
Hip sintered, high hardness, high wear resistance
Various sizes and full types available
Reasonable price,Fast delivery time
OEM Customized(small order accepted,professional technical support)
ISO 9001 Certification
More details of specific type, please inform us Product information
Remark:Customed Size Will be welcome
product show
Material grades ,Performance & application recommended | ||||||
Grades | Wc% | Co% | Density | T.R.S | Hardness | Performance & application recommended |
g/cm3 | MPa | HRA | ||||
YG11 | 89% | 11% | 14.4 | 2600 | 88.5 | Forming or stamping dies for metal powders and nonmetal powders. |
YG15 | 85% | 15% | 14 | 2800 | 87.5 | For fabricating drawing dies of steel tubes and rods under high compressibility ratio;punching,stamping,forging tools under large stress. |
YG20 | 80% | 20% | 13.5 | 3200 | 85.5 | For fabricating of staming dies for watch parts,spring plates of musical instruments,battery jays,small sized steel balls,screws,screw caps. |
YG16C | 84% | 16% | 13.9 | 2900 | 85.5 | Impact resistance forging dies. |
YG18C | 82% | 18% | 13.7 | 3100 | 84.5 | Impact resistance forging dies, hot-press forging dies and rollers. |
YG20C | 80% | 20% | 13.5 | 3300 | 83 | Dies for wear resistant or impact resistant application. |
YG22C | 78% | 22% | 13.3 | 3500 | 82.5 | Nut forming dies and high impact resistance forging dies. |
YG25C | 75% | 25% | 13.1 | 3600 | 82 | Stainless bolt header dies and rollers. |
HJ80.1 | 75% | 25% | 13.05 | 3800 | 83.2 | It is suitable for screw cap forming dies with high strength (highest impact-resistant forging dies). |
Necessary information required for accurate quotation :
Specification ( like OD*ID*Length size,shape,angle etc.)
Surface condition: sintered blank or fine grinding
Tolerance on dimension ( if you have)
If you have detail drawing contain all above information ,you can send drawing to us Tungsten carbide grade, or chemical composition.
If you are not quite clear about which tungsten carbide grade is suitable, please provide us the applications,we will suggest suitable grade base on your
Il-kumpanija għandha linja kompluta ta 'produzzjoni ta' tagħmir ta 'proċess ta' manifattura ta 'xafra minn preparazzjoni ta' materja prima tat-trab, teħid ta 'moffa, ippressar, sinterizzazzjoni bil-pressjoni, tħin, kisi u kisi ta' wara t-trattament. Huwa jiffoka fuq ir-riċerka u l-innovazzjoni tal-materjal bażi, l-istruttura tal-kanal, l-iffurmar ta 'preċiżjoni u l-kisi tal-wiċċ tal-inserzjonijiet tal-karbur NC, u jtejjeb b'mod kostanti l-effiċjenza tal-magni, il-ħajja tas-servizz u proprjetajiet oħra tat-tqattigħ tal-inserzjonijiet tal-karbur NC. Wara aktar minn għaxar snin ta 'riċerka xjentifika u innovazzjoni, il-kumpanija ħakmet numru ta' teknoloġiji ewlenin indipendenti, għandha R&D u kapaċitajiet ta 'disinn indipendenti, u tista' tipprovdi produzzjoni personalizzata għal kull klijent.