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D63 Tungsten carbide worm gear milling cutter with coating

D63 Tungsten carbide worm gear milling cutter with coating


Tungsten carbide worm gear milling cutter with coating made in China, Support custom service, free samples ,fast delivery

Sizes : 63*22*6.0*30T

Application : worm gear milling cutter

with coating

workpiece:BS970 EN8M,manganese steel,carbon steel



D63 Tungsten carbide worm gear milling cutter with coating

Most of the saw cutters are made of the same kind of high speed steel, carbide and other materials. Compared with high speed steel, the carbide has higher hardness, stronger cutting force, higher speed and feed rate, and higher productivity.

Widely used in: glasses, watches, machinery, electronics, motors and other industries

External diameter(D)Thickness(H)Inner diameter(d)Teet(T)
250.2--5.06   8  1010--58
300.2--5.06  8  1010--60
320.2--6.06  8  10 12.710--60
350.2--6.08  10  12.710--60
400.2--6.08  10  12.710--80
450.2--8.010  12.7  1610--80
500.2--8.010  12.7  1610--100
550.2--8.012.7  1624--120
600.2--8.012.7  13 1624--120
630.2--8.012.7 13 1624--120
700.3--8.016  22  25.428--120
750.5--8.016  22  25 430--120 
800.5--8.022  25.430--128
850.5--8.022  25.430--128
900.5--8.022  25.430--160 
1000.5--8.022  25.4  2730--160
1100.8--8.022  25.4  27  3230--180
1201.0--10.022  25.4  27  3230-240
1251.0--10.022  25.4  2730-240
1501.0--10.022  25.4  27  3240-240

D63 Tungsten carbide worm gear milling cutter with coating

Tool material composition:
1.Physical Properties:
A) Hardness greater than or equal to 92.6 HRA;
B) Density greater than or equal to 14.4g/cm³;

C) TRS greater than or equal to 3800 N/mm²;


1、Make sure work piece and machine are stable and use a precision holder.
2、Please adjust the speed,feed and cutting depth according to actual cutting conditions.


Tha loidhne toraidh uidheamachd pròiseas cinneasachaidh lann iomlan aig a’ chompanaidh bho ullachadh stuthan amh pùdar, dèanamh molltair, brùthadh, sintering cuideam, bleith, còmhdach agus còmhdach iar-làimhseachaidh. Tha e a’ cuimseachadh air rannsachadh agus ùr-ghnàthachadh an stuth bunaiteach, structar groove, cruthachadh mionaideachd agus còmhdach uachdar cuir a-steach carbide NC, agus an-còmhnaidh a’ leasachadh èifeachdas innealachaidh, beatha seirbheis agus feartan gearraidh eile de chuir a-steach carbide NC. Às deidh còrr is deich bliadhna de rannsachadh saidheansail agus ùr-ghnàthachadh, tha a’ chompanaidh air grunn phrìomh theicneòlasan neo-eisimeileach a mhaighstireachd, tha comasan R&D agus dealbhaidh neo-eisimeileach aca, agus is urrainn dhaibh cinneasachadh gnàthaichte a thoirt seachad airson gach teachdaiche.

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